Research and Development
The scientific team of biomol-informatics has broad experience in knowledge translation between bioinformatics simulation and laboratories of research and diagnostics.
Participation in European Projects (FP7):
“DORIAN” consortium: FP7 collaborative project HEALTH-F3-2009-223431 “Developmental Origins of Healthy and Unhealthy Ageing: The Role of Maternal Obesity”. 2011-2015.
“EpiTRAITS” consortium : FP7 Marie Curie project FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN-316965 “Epigenetic regulation of economically important plant traits”. 2012-2025
“IMI-ENABLE” consortium, a Innovatives Medicines Initiative within IMI’s New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) programme (ref. IMI-DB4BB-ENABLE-115583). 2014-2020.
Coordination of INNPACTO Spanish National Project:
Biomol-Informatics coordinates the “DIGEN-1K” INNPACTO consortium (participants: Madrid Science Park, IdiPaz, CBMSO:CSIC-UAM) financed by the Spanish Plan Nacional I+D+I 2011 (Ref: IPT-2011-0964-900000). 2011-2014.
Finished projects:
“DIVINOCELL” Consortium : FP7 collaborative project FP7-HEALTH-2011-278603 “Exploiting Gram-negative cell division targets in the test tube to obtain antimicrobial compounds”. 2009 – 2013.
Activities Program among R&D; groups of the Comunidad de Madrid : Program S-BIO-0260/2006 “COMBACT: New targets to combat pathogenic bacteria”. 2007-2010