Our Products
Personal Genome Sequencing and Analysis Service.
Sequencing and analysis of Human Exome.
- Complete DNA-to-Sequence Analysis dedicated pipeline, applied to the discover of genetic mutations associated to:
- Rare diseases
- Cancer
- Metabolic diseases
- Familial diseases
- Fast and accurate analysis of data from large Next Generation Sequencing projects, including whole genome resequencing as well as targeted resequencing of specific regions of known genomes (mainly the human genome, searching for variants associated with genetic diseases or cancer), assembly of de novo sequenced eukaryotic genomes, transcriptome analysis and metagenomic and evolutionary studies. We are also experts in the study of (conservation of) alternative splicing and alternative transcripts in genomes.
Biomol-Informatics High-Throughput Combinatorial Modelling platform.
- Biomol-Informatics develops a platform of computational modelling and screening to generate models of the interaction of theoretical derivatives constructed by high-throughput combinatorial modelling (HTCM) and the active center of proteins of interest. The BIOMOL-HTCM platform is a useful cost-reducing tool to prospect and model new molecules with potential inhibiting properties.
Other services:
- Protein-protein interactions. Prediction of surfaces and contact residues between macromolecules. Rigid docking techniques. Contacts prediction through integration of co-evolutive information of sequences and structures.
- Molecular dynamics. Analysis in silico and prediction of substrate, inhibitors and new drugs activity on 3D models of protein active centers.
- 3D modeling. Building of three-dimensional atomic models for structure of proteins, domains and active centers. Techniques of homology modeling, far-homology modeling and fold recognition (threading).
- Evolutive information. Fetching of DNA and protein sequences from specialized databases. Multiple sequence alignment. Extraction of evolutive information (specific motifs, contacts between aminoacids) and its correlation with functional specificity data.
- Teaching. Specialized teaching in Bioinformatics for technicians and scientific personnel. Courses in public research centers and in R&D; departments of pharmaceutical companies. Personalized courses adapted to the professional necessities of the student.